Submitting Articles to IBS

We welcome the submission of articles from individuals of the Oneness Pentecostal faith. While not a hard and fast rule, it has been our endeavor that the articles on this site reflect a seminary-level education. The aim is that the articles display adequate knowledge of hermeneutics, Greek, Hebrew, church history, Bible background, textual criticism, or whatever area of study is relevant to the particular article. If, for instance, someone had no Greek or Hebrew education, but was well studied in Pentecostal history, then an article on this topic would be fine. Our main objective is to reflect good scholarship. Articles should also reflect a good command of English grammar.

There are many sites that exist for purposes other than the provision of scholarly discussions of Biblical topics. While acknowledging the value of such sites, our goal is to provide an intelligent defense of the Oneness and Pentecostal positions to the outsiders, as well as to educate apostolic believers.

All persons submitting articles must be of the Oneness Pentecostal faith. The content of the articles should focus on Biblical (or closely related) topics, and not simply devotional material. One would not necessarily have to agree with our Statement of Faith, but we encourage all potential authors to read it so as to be familiar with our doctrinal position. Any article submitted which is in actual contradiction to that statement, however, would not be published. We do retain the right to reject any submission for whatever reason, or edit articles approved for publication. One should also note our "open copyright" position as reflected on our Copyright page.

Please send articles for review to as attached Word, RTF or HTML documents. Do not send articles within the e-mail itself. Make sure that all sources and quotations are properly footnoted and that the title of the article as well as the author's name and e-mail address appear at the top.

William Arnold
Webmaster, IBS

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